New Paper Out!
Have a read of my new paper that came out in Plant Ecology earlier this year! It explores how Metrosideros polymorpha seedlings respond...
Guest editor on a special issue of AoB
I will be serving as a guest editor on an upcoming special issue of Annals of Botany (see link below), in conjunction with Dr. Kasey...

New postdoc in Australia!
In August of 2018 I decided to move to Sydney, Australia for a second postdoc! I will be working with Dr. Ian Wright...

I'm a Postdoctoral Researcher!
This week I started my new position as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. I will be studying the...
Postdoc search under way!
After six years at UM, I am nearly ready for the next stage of my career. It's been interesting searching for postdocs and trying to...

Final Summer Field Season is Under Way!
It's the start of my last summer field season and I am ready to get the ball rolling! This summer is different because I have an...

Puting physiology into context
This week I have been trying to draw connections between exactly how plants respond to changes in light and what that means for their...

Miroscopes and motivational musings
Good to be back! Having recently returned from my third field season at the Las Cruces Biological Station, I was looking forward to...

Light has a huge effect!
Since July 2013, I've been conducting experimental demography at the Las Cruces Biological Station, in Costa Rica. With the help of my...